Thursday, February 18, 2010

5 Ways to Eliminate Health and Environmental Risks in Fish

As much as we hear about the health benefits of eating fish, we hear about the associated dangers. It can be easy to scare ourselves off one of the most delicious, versatile and healthy dishes in the recipe book! There are some health issues associated with eating fish, but there are health risks associated with eating just about everything … while there has never been concern about mercury in bacon, thousands more people have died or become seriously ill from eating smoked pork than from eating fish. So today we are looking at how to enjoy your seafood order without concern about the risks of eating fish.
  1. Eat fish twice a week
    Eating excessive amounts of fish has been associated with an increased risk of mercury poisoning, especially if you favor species higher up the food chain, like shark, or bottom-feeders, like catfish. Simply limit your fish intake to two times per week, and you can enjoy your fish without worrying about mercury.
  2. Switch species
    As we hinted above, if you switch to a pelagic species of fish, or one that is lower down the food chain in your seafood order, you will get less mercury.
  3. Know where your fish are caught
    Knowing where your fish are caught allows you to make a much more informed decision about how often you should eat them. Companies that publicize their catch areas generally have a more reliably healthy product.
  4. Look for farmed fish sometimes
    There is nothing that can beat the delicious freshness of wild-caught fish. However, if every person in the world were to eat two servings of wild-caught fish per week, we would quickly run out of fish in the ocean. Switch out your wild-caught seafood order sometimes with farmed fish, and give the environment a helping hand by creating more demand for farmed species and better research into growing tasty fish!
  5. Check your species
    If you are concerned about the impact that by-catch has on the environment, check out the marine conservation website for advice on which species are associated with turtle and dolphin accidental catches, and which species are overfished.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

8 Potential Health Benefits of Eating Fish!

We all know that the omega 3's in fish are good for our brain, skin and general functioning. However, most of us don't realize just how deep and wide the potential health benefits of that delicious online seafood order could go! Countries like Norway, Iceland and Japan where fish is consumed almost exclusively among meats have radically lower instances of many diseases. Today we look at the potential science has uncovered, when it comes to your seafood order.

  1. Asthma prevention
    When children eat fish, it seems that they are much less likely to develop asthma. It also seems that some protective effect against asthma is conferred when mothers eat fish during pregnancy.
  2. Brain and eye health
    Omega-3 fatty acids, found in high quantities in oily fish, are some of the essential building blocks for brain and eye tissue. Our bodies don't do much in the way of regeneration of brain and eye tissue throughout life, so it is most important for pregnant women to ensure they are not omega-3 deficient.
  3. Cardiovascular disease
    Studies have shown that people who eat fish every week are less likely to develop blood clots, likely to have more elastic blood vessels and lower blood pressure, and lower fat levels in the blood.
  4. Dementia
    When elderly people eat fish at least once a week, they are less likely to get dementia according to some studies - another brain-protective effect.
  5. Depression
    This insidious and quite common condition is linked to low level of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain.
  6. Diabetes
    Eating fish may make it easier for your body to regulate blood sugar and keep it steady - great for diabetics and pre-diabetics.
  7. Inflammation
    You shouldn’t only be reaching for your tuna when you get a bee sting - many health conditions see improvements along with an increase in the volume of your seafood order! Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and other autoimmune inflammatory diseases can be improved with fish consumption.

8. Premature babies
Mothers who eat fish while they are pregnant have a lower risk of delivering their baby prematurely, which is great for the child's all-round health.