Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3 Favorite Octopus Recipes

Octopus is one of the sea's last rare delicacies -- commercial fishing techniques as well as the trend towards aquaculture have made everything else so readily accessible and cheap. Octopus remains a rare treat, though -- and you need a rare treat of a recipe to bring out the best in those delicate little tentacles and suckers! Today we have a quick run through of our favorite octopus recipes (with full links) that you can use for when you buy seafood online and treat yourself to octopus.
You'll find most of the recipes using your seafood delivery of fresh octopus are salad-style dishes, but most (like this one) are suitable as main courses. This one pairs the octopus with minimal additional ingredients -- celery and carrot are the octopus's only accompaniments, other than dressing flavors. The dressing lets the flavor of the octopus shine through -- simple parsley, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt and oregano are the accompaniments.
A traditional, and delicious Italian dish, the octopus is better fresh, but frozen is just as acceptable. The octopus and linguine are again the main ingredients -- buying seafood online and including octopus is not often done, and people want to relish the natural flavor! Tomatoes, garlic, hot red pepper flakes, olive oil parsley and basil make this a very distinctly Italian flavor.
Away from Italy now -- far across the sea to Thailand, we find another of our favorite octopus recipes for your next seafood delivery. Around a kilo of octopus is needed to serve four people as an entrée, and the coriander, chilli and garlic is used as a dipping sauce for the pan-fried octopus. The herbs are suspended in olive oil, and are all used fresh -- this dish absolutely explodes with flavor!

The Health Benefits of Eating Tuna

One of the easiest meats to incorporate in your dinner, it is little wonder that online fresh fish stores include tuna in a majority of their seafood deliveries. From the quick and easy tuna bake, to toasted tuna sandwiches for lunch and even tuna on toast for breakfast, we all know that tuna is easy to eat. What you may not realize is just how good it is for you! We take a look at exactly how tuna can help your health.
How much omega-3?
Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most investigated nutrients in the world currently, since their role in brain development and health, antioxidant effects, and positive results for arthritis and other inflammatory diseases started to be articulated. Tuna has:
  • 1.504 grams of omega-3 per 100 grams when cooked under a dry heat
  • 0.272 grams of omega-3 per 100 grams when canned in water and then drained
  • 0.202 grams of omega-3 per 100 grams when canned in oil and then drained.
Just like boiling your vegetables, canning tuna in a liquid seems to make the nutrients actually leach out of the vegetable and into the surrounding water.
Tuna, and it's omega-3 content, has been seen to be beneficial for a whole range of conditions:
  • Macular degeneration: Both age-related macular degeneration and dry-eye syndrome were improved by increased intake of omega-3's
  • Heart disease: having only one to two servings of tuna or other oily fish a week from your seafood delivery can reduce the risk of heart disease enormously
  • Alzheimer's and dementia: Omega-3s from oily fish like tuna are known to be good for the brain -- they are crucial to a baby's brain development in the womb. Intake throughout life can also help prevent alzhemier's disease and dementia developing in the elderly.
  • Cancer: Omega-3s have been studied for the treatment of a wide variety of cancers, but the protective effects of tuna in your seafood delivery are most clearly seen against kidney and breast cancer.
  • Blood pressure control: Related to heart disease, consumption of tuna can help with blood pressure control,